★ Typical! - The wheelchair professionals - custom-made for every handicap

Typical! - The wheelchair professionals - custom-made for every handicap

WI've just always been lucky," says Stefan Möller modestly when asked about his recipe for success. And he feels lucky all along the line: family, friends, company - everything fits. His path to happiness and the establishment of his company REHA-Technik Möller in Rostock also includes a whole portion of modesty and humility.

Growing up in a Christian home with a severely disabled aunt, Stefan learns consideration and charity at an early age. In the GDR, there is little state help for disabled people, they are divided into two categories: eligible and ineligible. For these people in particular, the Wende is a special blessing. Stefan Möller's REHA-Manufaktur in Rostock has 40 employees; it all started right after the Wende, back then with one employee in the garage of his parents' house. What distinguishes the young company right from the start: Möller and his team find solutions that cannot be found in any catalogue, because not every wheelchair fits every disability.

Two of his sons have meanwhile joined the company. They have no fear of contact. In a job like this, you are confronted with some suffering and difficult fates - but also with a lot of luck.

Broadcasting on 19th of July 2023 at 02.00am on NDR/RB/ARD

Music: POPVIRUS Library