★ The Forensic Experts: Professionals at the Crime Scene

The Forensic Experts: Professionals at the Crime Scene - Murder in Madison

In the college town of Madison, Wisconsin, one of the safest spots in America, successful businessman Joel Marino is found dead. The 31-year-old was brutally murdered and left lying in a large pool of blood in a narrow alley right next to his apartment building. The murder weapon is a simple paring knife. For Detective Matt Misener, this case is turning into one of the most difficult and toughest challenges of his entire police career. Also in this episode of "The Forensic Experts - Professionals at the Crime Scene": The murder of four young women puts an entire city in fear + terror.

Broadcasting on 01st of July 2023at 03.50am + on 28th of June 2023 at 03.45am on RTL2

Music: POPVIRUS Library