★ Offenders - Victims - Police

Offenders - Victims - Police The rbb crime report with Uwe Madel

Deadly assault: In Cottbus on 1 March a 31-year-old man was attacked and shot. Investigators suspect rivalries in the biker sector as a background. The police is asking witnesses to come forward.

Break-in at the memorial church: Unknown perpetrators have broken into the Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church in Berlin. They stole among other things valuable medals + orders. The police is looking for witnesses + also videos.

Fire in housing estate: In Potsdam-Babelsberg there was a fire in an underground car park, several cars were on fire. The inhabitants of the houses had to be evacuated. Investigators assume arson + are looking for clues.

Murder trial without body: In 2006, 14-year-old Georgine Krüger disappeared from Berlin-Moabit. After years of investigation, the suspect Ali K. was on trial since July 2019. The 44-year-old allegedly raped + murdered the student. Her body was never found. The verdict is expected next week.

Broadcasting on 18nd of March 2020 at 04.55am on RBB/ARD

Music: POPVIRUS Library